- Integrating with custom JIRA issue key in Bitbucket
- Bitbucket Server does not link commit to JIRA after setting custom JIRA issue key regex
- Issues column on Commit tab of repositories does not show link to JIRA issue keys
- Link Bitbucket with Jira
- Jira integration
- Reindex JIRA issue keys in Bitbucket Datacenter
- Creating a Bitbucket Server and Data Center project or repository from Jira
- Creating a Bitbucket Server and Data Center project or repository from Jira
- JIRA Commit checker in Bitbucket Server/Data Center is unable to recognise valid keys from certain JIRA projects in the commit message (like UTF-x, UTC-x, GMT-x etc)
- Commit checker for Jira issues
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最終更新日: 2019 年 1 月 11 日
- Integrating with custom JIRA issue key in Bitbucket
- Bitbucket Server does not link commit to JIRA after setting custom JIRA issue key regex
- Issues column on Commit tab of repositories does not show link to JIRA issue keys
- Link Bitbucket with Jira
- Jira integration
- Reindex JIRA issue keys in Bitbucket Datacenter
- Creating a Bitbucket Server and Data Center project or repository from Jira
- Creating a Bitbucket Server and Data Center project or repository from Jira
- JIRA Commit checker in Bitbucket Server/Data Center is unable to recognise valid keys from certain JIRA projects in the commit message (like UTF-x, UTC-x, GMT-x etc)
- Commit checker for Jira issues
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