Fixlicense.action does not resolve license issue during upgrade
When starting an upgrade of Confluence, it redirects you to an error page that further redirects you to the URL below:
Inputting the license on this page does not resolve the licensing conflict or allow you to proceed with the install.
Also, the following stack trace may appear in the atlassian-confluence.log
Caused by: com.atlassian.confluence.license.exception.MissingConfluenceLicenseValidationException: The given license is missing Confluence.
- The license the server is currently using is out of date or invalid
- The current license is using a different serverID than the new license, and fixlicense.action is unable to resolve this conflict.
- You will need to manually change the license, which can be done by following the instructions found at How to change the Confluence Data Center License in confluence.cfg.xml file
最終更新日: 2016 年 2 月 26 日
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