Migrating local group memberships when switching to another external directory with local groups in Bitbucket Server/DC


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プラットフォームについて: Server および Data Center のみ。この記事は、Server および Data Center プラットフォームのアトラシアン製品にのみ適用されます。

Support for Server* products ended on February 15th 2024. If you are running a Server product, you can visit the Atlassian Server end of support announcement to review your migration options.

*Fisheye および Crucible は除く


When switching to a new external directory with local groups, containing the same set of users as the one already configured in Bitbucket Server, local group membership for groups other than the default stash-users is lost. This can affect project and repository permissions that were granted through group membership, and the users will no longer be able to access those repositories after switching to the new directory


Bitbucket Server/DC 4.x-7.x
External directory with local groups


After enabling the new external directory, local groups do not contain any members from the new directory. This can be verified even before disabling the old directory:

The query

select directory_id from cwd_group where is_local='T';

returns the directory_id associated only with the old directory, and not the new for all local groups other that 'stash-users'.

You can verify which directory_id corresponds to the old and new directory connectors by the query:

select id, lower_directory_name from cwd_directory;


This is a known issue tracked in  CWD-4886 - Getting issue details... STATUS


1.  First, determine all the local groups associated with the old directory_id: 

select lower_group_name from cwd_group where directory_id='<old_directory_id>' AND is_local='T' AND lower_group_name NOT LIKE 'stash_users';

2. Then, for each lower_group_name find the user membership and save them

select lower_child_name from cwd_membership where lower_parent_name='<lower_group_name>';

3. Disable the old directory and promote the new one to the top of the list in AdministrationUser Directories

4. Using a REST API endpoint, add memberships to each local group - this can be scripted/combined with the results of the queries.

   The rest endpoint is 


 which accepts a POST method with an example JSON body:

    "group": "group",
    "users": [

This is documented in Bitbucket rest API

(warning) While users logging in through the new external directory will automatically be added to stash-users and therefore be licensed Bitbucket users, if the users do not re-authenticate they will be denied login. To avoid this, you may wish to also preemptively add all necessary users to the stash-users group as well following the procedure outlined above.

Last modified on Mar 15, 2022


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