ElasticSearch remote buckler installer failed without internet connection


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Setting up Elasticsearch on a remote instance as guided in How to Install and configure a remote Elasticsearch instance KB. The installation is expected to done without internet connection but only with intranet or extranet connection. This would restrict the installation of buckler on remote ElasticSearch server without the connection to Atlassian packages site.   

On installing the plugin onto remote Elasticsearch instance using the plugin helper called elacticsearch-plugin located in Elasticsearch bin/ directory:

  • Instead of using the URL link, download the buckler plugin and move it to the instance hosting remote Elasticsearch.

  • Run the command to install the buckler using elacticsearch-plugin:

    $ cd /path/to/elasticsearch/bin
    $ ./elasticsearch-plugin install -b /path/to/elasticsearch/bin/buckler-plugin-2.1.2-6.8.6.zip

The following appears in the UNIX terminal:

$ ./elasticsearch-plugin install -b /path/to/elasticsearch/bin/buckler-plugin-2.1.2-6.8.6.zip
A tool for managing installed elasticsearch plugins

list - Lists installed elasticsearch plugins
install - Install a plugin
remove - removes a plugin from Elasticsearch

Non-option arguments:

Option         Description
------         -----------
-h, --help     show help
-s, --silent   show minimal output
-v, --verbose  show verbose output
ERROR: Unknown plugin /path/to/elasticsearch/bin/buckler-plugin-2.1.2-6.8.6.zip


The buckler is expected to be installed from Buckler plugin URL as the elasticseach-plugin file expects the URL protocol apart from the internet connection.


Since the elasticseach-plugin file expects the URL protocol, the file:/// can be used to point to the buckler-plugin's URL in the local directory.

  • Download the buckler archive file into the local directory (in this case: buckler-plugin-2.1.2-6.8.6.zip).

  • Run with the command with file:/// protocol and the full path to the plugin's archive file, but without specifying the option -b - eg.

$ ./elasticsearch-plugin install file:///path/to/elasticsearch/bin/buckler-plugin-2.1.2-6.8.6.zip 
  • There will be a warning message with and confirmation option to install the buckler into Elasticsearch as such:

-> Downloading file:///path/to/elasticsearch/bin/buckler-plugin-2.1.2-6.8.6.zip
[=================================================] 100%??
@     WARNING: plugin requires additional permissions     @
* java.io.FilePermission /usr/share/elasticsearch/config/buckler/*#plus write
* java.lang.RuntimePermission setContextClassLoader
* java.net.SocketPermission * connect,accept,resolve
See http://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/technotes/guides/security/permissions.html
for descriptions of what these permissions allow and the associated risks.

Continue with installation? [y/N]
  • If you understand the risk and wish to continue, please key in and enter to continue with the installation.

説明 Remote ElasticSearch installation
製品Bitbucket Data Center

最終更新日 2021 年 4 月 26 日


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