How to reset Bamboo plugins state through database


アトラシアン コミュニティをご利用ください。



Disabling apparently unusable plugins may seem a good idea, but it can lead to bad consequences. Plugins have dependencies and when their dependences are not loaded they are not able to load themselves. This could be catastrophic in case you disable a system plugin. These plugins are usually root dependencies for many other plugins and it could affect main Bamboo features.

 The following query will help you to identify if there are any plugins with state manually changed (not in their default state)

SELECT * FROM bandana WHERE bandana_key='bamboo.plugin.state';

In case there are add-ons manually disabled their state will be visible in the serialized_data column as observed in the following example:

 bandana_id | build_id |     bandana_key     |                          serialized_data
     131113 |        0 | bamboo.plugin.state | <com.atlassian.plugin.manager.DefaultPluginPersistentState>      +
            |          |                     |   <map class="java.util.Collections$UnmodifiableMap">            +
            |          |                     |     <m>                                                          +
            |          |                     |       <entry>                                                    +
            |          |                     |         <string></string>+
            |          |                     |         <boolean>false</boolean>                                 +
            |          |                     |       </entry>                                                   +
            |          |                     |       <entry>                                                    +
            |          |                     |         <string>com.atlassian.streams</string>                   +
            |          |                     |         <boolean>false</boolean>                                 +
            |          |                     |       </entry>                                                   +
            |          |                     |     </m>                                                         +
            |          |                     |   </map>                                                         +
            |          |                     | </com.atlassian.plugin.manager.DefaultPluginPersistentState>

The above results show that both and com.atlassian.streams plugins are disabled.



  1. Stop Bamboo
  2. Backup your database to perform the next change
  3. Run the following query against Bamboo database:

    DELETE FROM bandana WHERE bandana_key='bamboo.plugin.state';
  4. Start Bamboo


データベースの変更を行う場合は必ず事前にバックアップを取得してください。可能な場合は、まずステージング サーバーで SQL コマンドの変更、挿入、更新、または削除を行うようにします。

最終更新日: 2016 年 10 月 28 日


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